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Health and Safety Policy Statement

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John King Group recognises and accepts our responsibility as an employer for providing a safe and healthy working environment for all employees and to avoid the risks to health and safety of others who may be affected by our activities.

  • It is the policy of John King Chains Ltd to conduct its activities in such a way as to eliminate or control risks to the health & safety of its employees and to any persons affected by its operations or products.
  • John King Chains are firmly committed to the prevention of injury and ill health and continual improvement in health and safety management and performance. We believe that safe and healthy methods of working are synonymous with our commitment to continual improvement, good business practice, a responsible reputation, and therefore, health and safety will be given equal priority to other criteria in all business and operational decisions.
  • The ultimate responsibility for the implementation of this policy and the achievement of stated health & safety objectives lies with the Managing Director. Senior Managers and First Line Managers are responsible and accountable for the health and safety of their staff and any other persons who could be affected by operations within their area or control.
  • All Health & Safety objectives will be agreed on an annual basis by the ‘Senior Leadership Team’ and monitored and reviewed in monthly Health, Safety and Environmental Management Meetings.
  • John King Chains is committed to supporting this policy with appropriate financial and other resources including information, instruction, and training to ensure the competence of all its employees.
  • John King Chains is committed to complying with applicable legal requirements and with other requirements to which the organisation subscribes, that relates to the management of its health and safety performance.
  • Our overall health & safety management structure will be based upon the following principles:
    • Providing and maintaining safe and healthy working conditions
    • Compliance with all statutory requirements.
    • A commitment to eliminate hazards and reduce Occupational Health & Safety Risks.
    • Making available all appropriate safety devices and protective equipment and supervising their use.
    • Implementing an ongoing risk assessment program of all work activities and foreseeable emergencies.
    • Seek to eliminate or control risks by means other than reliance on personal protective equipment, so far, as is reasonably practicable.
    • Providing appropriate information, instruction, and training on matters of health and safety.
    • Providing the appropriate health surveillance and first aid.
    • Consulting with employees and their safety representatives to promote co-operation in measures designed to ensure the health & safety of all employees at work.
    • Ensuring employees take reasonable care of the health and safety of themselves and that of others who may be affected by their acts and omissions, co-operate with all aspects of health and safety, and will not misuse or interfere with anything provided for their or others health and safety.
  • Managers with the responsibility for site operations will ensure that the appropriate organisation and arrangements are developed to ensure the achievement of this policy.
  • Our policy will be regularly monitored, reviewed, and updated at least once per annum to reflect any changes in legislation or considering any changes in our activities or procedures and any updates will be brought to the attention of our employees.
  • We all have a legal duty to co-operate in all safety related matters, not to endanger others or ourselves and not to misuse anything provided for safety. All persons are to ensure that appropriate safety rules are followed as failure to do so may result in disciplinary action being taken.

“Safety for others and ourselves is a primary concern in all that we do.”

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